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Breast Augmentation

Breast Enlargement Surgery

In simple terms, breast enhancement or breast enlargement is a process by which the size of the breasts can be increased. the technique of Breast Augmentation surgery can be used to restore the volume of the breasts, post-delivery, weight loss or due to age and also improve the balance of your physical structure. The process can also be done for women, who have injured their breasts due to an accident or have had to remove them due to cancer.

Types Of Breast Augmentation

The manner in which the breast augmentation or breast enhancement is done is pretty much the same, but there are a range of breast implants that can be used and some of these include:

  • Silicone Implants

Filled with silicone gel, these are the most popular implants, mainly because they feel a lot like the original breast tissues. There is minimal chance that the implant breaks or leaks.

  • Saline Implants

As the name suggests, saline implants are filled with salt water, which has been sterilised.The benefit of saline implants is that it offers uniformity in terms of shape and firmness.

  • Smooth Breast Implants

Primary These implants provide the softest feeling, and these can actually move inside the breast implant pocket, which is why it looks more natural.

  • Round Breast Implants

The round breast implants tend to make the breasts appear rounder and more voluptuous. Given their shape, there is minimal chance of the implants rotating and moving out of place.

  • Gummy Bear Breast Implants

The form stable implants can maintain their shape irrespective of what happens to the implant shell. Even though the filling in these implants is also silicone gel, it is actually thicker than the traditional silicone gel filling, making them less prone to breakage.

  • Fat Transfer

Through liposuction, excess fat is removed from the body, and this fat is injected into the breasts. This is a great option for women who are not too keen on having a foreign body inside their body or need only a marginal increase in their breast size.

Possible Risks

Ideally, when brest reduction has been conducted by an experienced surgeon, there are little to no chances of things going wrong. However, there are some complications that can be associated with this procedure, such as:

  • Perhaps the biggest risk with such a surgery is that the woman might not be able to breastfeed in the future
  • There is bound to be scarring, but at time, the scars become too obvious
  • There is the possibility of infections or blood clots
  • If the anaesthesia has not been administered properly, it could lead to further complications
  • The inexperience of the surgeon could lead to the lack of balance between the two breasts or irregular placement of the areolae
  • Normally, a little extra fluid build-up post-surgery is normal and a drain might be placed to there could be a loss of drain the same out. However, in certain cases, there is too much fluid accumulation.
  • There could be a change or complete loss of sensation in the nipples or even the entire breast
  • There is the possibility of damage to the nerves or the muscles in the breast area.
  • Since the breasts are so close to the lungs and heart, there is always the chance that they might be damaged during surgery.
  • The skin around the breast could become discoloured or there could be pigmentation that does not fade away with time