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Tattoo Removal

Laser tattoo removal is an advance treatment designed to completely eliminate tattoos, without leaving scars or unpigmented areas of skin behind. During a laser tattoo removal treatment, the laser’s high energy light breaks up the tattoo ink into tiny particles, which are gradually absorbed by the skin (microphages in the skin). Laser tattoo removal may cause slight discomfort, though a local anesthetic if needed can be used to eliminate the pain.

Older tattoo removal technology also treated only a limited amount of ink colors. Our technology utilizes multiple wavelengths, allowing us to treat more colors and remove more types of tattoo. Truly, our laser system is one –of-a-kind! It stands above all other competitions for the simple reason that it is far gentler on the skin. Nearly all other lasers in the marketplace today aggressively tear through the top layer of the skin to make a tattoo disappear. Our technology targets the pigment and gradually fades it away, rendering it one of the only technologies in the marketplace that does not require clients to apply after care products and bandaging. After treatment, clients are good to go!

Everyone has to know how popular tattoos have become in recent years. However, did you also know that an overwhelming majority of people who get tattoos later want them removed? Sometimes the tattoo simply does not fit a person’s lifestyle anymore, or perhaps it reflects a time in their lives they would rather forget.

Procedure :
At the time of your consultation for laser tattoo removal we will explain our laser treatment and how it works and how the different lasers help with the selective removal of tattoo. This is achieved by the pigmentation in the tattoo begin targeted with a specific wavelength of laser light which is so intense and of short duration that the ink within the skin explodes, causing it to disperse and be taken away naturally by the body’s own immune system. Several different wavelengths of light are targeted on the varying colors of the tattoo causing them to disperse and be consumed by the body’s own defense system circulating within your body stream.

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